i'm ASHOK rathod
web designer
I am an enthusiasts web designer who love creativity and enjoys experimenting with various techniques in web development. In my free time you'll find me exploring new web technologies, developing cool websites.
I specialize in design and standards-based HTML, CSS and JavaScript web development. Each site I create is built to be user friendly using latest design and development techniques.
Apart from this, also writing articles on Web Designing Tutorials and Photoshop Tutorials. To find out more about what I can do, check out my work in my portfolio and if you have a project you would like to discuss please do not hesitate to give me a shout.
Worked on multi lingual websites and learn the user behaviour of different countries.
Small team, good people and a great learning experience.
Swapped my career from Graphics Designer to Web Designer and enjoyed the fun at work culture within the creative people.
Design & Development Skills
An institute, who teach how to think, how to design and make yourself standing out from the crowd.
Spend 5 years of my life ;) and completed graduation from the oldest and premier University in India.
Please feel free to email me if you have specific requirements, I'll get back to your inquiry ASAP.
Email: ashok2611@gmail.com
Web: ashokrathod.co.nr